Best Animation IDY
“The Boisterous Bird and the Four Legged Pair”
IDY Award Winner for Best New Media
“Civil Disobedience Series”
Vanguard New Media Awards (TIE)
“Jeff Hilliard- “Silicone Wave” (TIE) &
Sarah Hanner music video “Alexandra” (TIE)
Golden Era Humanitarian Film Award for a Documentary
“The Art of Catastrophe”
Golden Era Humanitarian Film Award for a Narrative Film
“Covid 19 Sins & Virtues”
Roger Taylor Award for Best Original Score in a Short Film
Spell It Out In Neon
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement in Original Musical Score for a Short Film
Time and Tide: A Trilogy
Roger Taylor Award for Best Original Score for a Featurette
“Rogue: The Western”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement Original Musical Score for a Featurette
“The Swimmer”
Roger Taylor Award for Best Original Score for a Feature Film
“Neon Bleed”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement - Original Musical Score for a Feature Film
“Broome Street”
Mary Austin Award for Excellence in Screenwriting
Jillie Simo and Ange Arabatzsis
“A Chance”
Mary Austin Award for Excellence in Producing
Claire Wiley
Mary Austin Award for Excellence in Directing
Stephanie McBain
“Hashtag Blessed The Movie”
Juan Anchia Award for Best Cinematography for a Short Film
Ellie Ann Fenton
“We All Die Alone”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement in Cinematography for a Short
Deangelo Harding
“Danny Boy”
Juan Ruiz Anchia Award for Best Cinematography for a Featurette
Richard Satoru
“Rogue: The Western”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement in Cinematography for a Featurette
Senda Bonnet
“The Weight of Perfection”
Juan Ruiz Anchia Award for Best Cinematography for a Feature Film
Ariel Artur
“2.0 Lucy”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement in Cinematography for a Feature Film
Christopher Schwab
IDY Award for Best Screenplay for a short film
Judy Chaikin
“The Audition”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement in Screenwriting for a Short Film
Gerald Webb
IDY Award for Best Screenplay for a Featurette
Leanne Melissa Bishop and Anabelle Munro
“The Weight Of Perfection”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement in screenwriting for a Featurette
Carly Miller
“Rogue: A Western”
IDY Award for Best Screenplay for a Feature Film
Dalea Faulkner
“Hashtag Blessed The Movie”
Vanguard Award For Cinematic Achievement in Screenwriting for a Feature Film
Chris Schwab
IDY Award for Best Documentary Short Film or Featurette
“The Year of Haydn. Covid Can’t Stop The Music”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement in Documentary Short
Film or Featurette
Idy Award Winner for Best Documentary Feature
“The Sound of Us”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement Documentary Feature
“A Crack In The Mountain”
IDY Award for Best Performance by a Child Actor
Katie Minter
“Dog Star”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Excellence in Acting by a Child Actor
Darby Camp
“3:35 To Boston”
IDY Award for Best Ensemble Cast in a Short Film
Vanguard Award For Cinematic Achievement by an Ensemble Cast in a Short Film
“Spell It Out In Neon”
IDY Award for Best Ensemble Cast in a Featurette
“No Reception”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement by an Ensembles Cast in a Featurette
“Easy Said Up High”
IDY Award for Best Ensemble Cast in a Feature Film
“Neon Bleed”
Vanguard Award For Cinematic Achievement by an Ensemble Cast in a Feature Film
“Covid 19 Sins and Virtues”
IDY Award for Best Supporting Actor In a Feature Film Dwayne Whitaker
“Edge Of Town”
Vanguard Award For Cinematic Achievement by an Actor in a Supporting Role
Nicolas Heard
“Hashtag Blessed The Movie”
IDY Award for Best Supporting Actress
Giovanna Andolina
“Neon Bleed”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement by a Supporting Actress Harmony Smith
IDY Award for Best Actor in a short film
Roberto Sanchez
“Just A Man And A Woman”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement by an Actor in a Short Film
Mark Christopher
IDY Award for Best Actor in a Featurette
Bambadjan Bamba
“Wasted Seed”
Vanguard Award For Cinematic Achievement by an Actor in a Featurette
Marvin Glover
“The Weight Of Perfection”
IDY Award for Best Actor in a Feature Film
Hugh McCrae, Jr.
“Human Resources”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement by an Actor in a Feature Film
Jeff Staron
“Broome Street”
IDY Award For Best Actress In A Short Film
Chuti Tiu
“Just A Man And A Woman”
Vanguard Award For Cinematic Achievement by an Actress in a Short Film
Kathleen Quinlan
“The Fixer Upper”
IDY Award Winner For Best Actress in a Featurette
Oyemen Ehikhamhen
“Rogue: The Western”
Vanguard Award For Cinematic Achievement by an Actress in a Featurette
Helen Kennedy Turner
“Wasted Seed”
IDY Award for Best Actress in a Feature Film
Marlene Mc’Cohen
Vanguard Award For Cinematic Achievement by an Actress in a Feature Film
Zikhona Bali
IDY Award for Best Director Documentary Featurette or Short
Nicole Bowers Wallace
“The Year of Hayden. Covid Can’t Stop The Music”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement in Directing a Documentary Featurette or Short
Claire Wiley
IDY Award Winner for Best Director of a Documentary Feature Film
Chris Gero
“The Sound Of Us”
Vanguard Award For Cinematic Achievement by the Director of a Documentary Feature
Alastair Evans
“A Crack In The Mountain”
IDY Award for Best Director Short Film
Oscar Torre
“Just A Man and a Woman”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Short Film
Gerald Webb
IDY Award Winner for Best Director of a Featurette
Carly Miller
”Rogue: The Western”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement in Directing a Featurette
Leanne Melissa Bishop and Anabelle Munro
“The Weight Of Perfection”
IDY Award for Best Director Feature Film
Kagiso Modupe
Vanguard Award For Cinematic Achievement by a Director of a Feature Film
Thabo Khambule
IDY Award for Best International Short Film
“Time and Tide, A Trilogy”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement in Short Films
IDY Award for Best International Featurette
“Time And Tide”
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement for an International Featurette
“The Other One”
IDY Award Winner for Best International Feature Film
Vanguard Award for Cinematic Achievement in an International Feature Film
“2.0 Lucy”
IDY Best Short Film
“Just A Man And A Woman”
Vanguard Award For Cinematic Achievement Short Film
IDY Award for Best Featurette
“The Weight Of Perfection”
Vanguard Award For Cinematic Achievement Featurette
“Rogue: The Western”
IDY Award for Best Feature Film
Vanguard Award For Cinematic Achievement Feature Film
“Neon Bleed”
Festival Producers Trophy
Festival Director’s Choice Trophy
“Rogue: The Western”
Best of Festival
Indie Spirit Award Winners
Pulp Friction
I’m An Electric Lampshade
Don’t Try This At Home
The Elsewhere
Private Insanities
Halloween Obsessed: The Misconception of Witches
Tahriib: (Those Who Travel North)
Jack and the Treehouse
We All Die Alone
Rules for the Heart
*There’s a brand new award that we’ve added to the IDY Awards Celebration. As the voting at times is so close that our Grand Jury has trouble making absolute decisions on the winner and runners up. We are introducing the Vanguard Awards for Cinematic Achievement. These awards will be given to outstanding films and projects which, though they may not garner the highest voting numbers overall in any one category, but they display exceptional production and storytelling value and are therefore worthy of recognition.
2022 IDY Awards and Certificates Link here:
2022 Vanguard and Indie Spirit Awards Link here:
2022 Winner’s Laurels Link here:
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