16 Years. 16 years of what the Hollywood Reporter called “The Greatest Little Film Festival on Earth”. I couldn’t be more proud of how far this festival has come, and of my partner, Trinity Houston, and the Idyllwild team who have made it all possible. I had high hopes when I first started laying out the foundation for the Idyllwild Cinema Fest in 2009, but the past decade and a half has proven to me that even the highest hopes can fall short of some amazing realities. And now, Idyllwild moves into this new season so strong and so viable, I am literally in awe of its potential. Every year, the quality of filmmaking gets better, and bigger, and more inspiring, and with a continued commitment to true artistic vision without the trappings of the PC, anti-artist, stiflings that seem to permeate many film festivals today And to add even more awe to my already huge exuberance, the audiences keep coming in greater numbers. To say we have come into our own falls short of the mark. Idyllwild has come so far in 16 years that we can now say, without fear of exaggeration, that we are truly one of the “Go To” festivals for filmmakers and film lovers in California. And we show no sign of slowing down. So, let’s make 2025 the best one yet, by ensuring not only the best selection of independent films ever assembled, but also by promising to inspire, thrill, and excite, all who come this March 4th through 8th, as we celebrate the spirit of independent filmmaking worldwide.
I look forward to seeing you all at Idyllwild 2025.
Stephen Savage
Director, Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema
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